Q & A
How do you calculate pageviews and downloads?
We track pageviews and downloads in our system. Whenever a page is visited or an episode downloaded, we count it in.
Your site will not be disabled for traffic spikes. If you exceed your limit consistently on a 3-month rolling average, we'll just let you know that you need an upgrade.
For download, we only track the first request of a partial download. And we
also ignore downloads from the same IP to the same resource in 30 minutes.
Is it really unlimited?
There is no real "unlimited" thing. We have no limitation as long as you don't abuse Typlog.
What payment methods do you accept?
We accept all major debit and credit cards from customers in every country
via Stripe, including Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, and UnionPay.
Is there any student or non-profit pricing?
Our pricing is already affordable, and we offer a 2-month discount for all annual subscriptions.
There is no special discount for students or non-profits.
How do I cancel my subscription?
Your account may have several sites, each site has its own subscription. Log
into typlog.com and cancel your subscription on the billing page.
Can I delete my account?
Absolutely. Send an email to [email protected] with your registered email address.
What if my subscription expires?
We will keep your site active for one month so that you can renew your subscription on time.