Telegram + Typlog

With Typlog's Telegram bot, you can send posts in instant view to your own telegram channel.

Instant view

Any posts you write in Typlog will be optimized to be compatible with telegram's instant view, which opens in a lightning speed in Telegram.

Automatically push new posts to a telegram channel

To create a channel:

  • iPhone: Start a new message (tap the icon in the top-right corner in Chats). Then ‘New Channel’.
  • Android: Tap the circular pencil icon in the chat list. Then ‘New Channel’.
  • Windows Phone: Tap the ‘+’ button on the bottom bar. Then ‘New Channel’.

If you already have a channel, fill the channel name into Typlog integrations.

Add @TyplogBot as Admin to your channel. Temperately change your channel description to your site slug (you can change it back later). For instance, for Typlog Official blog, the slug will be blog, so we use blog as the channel description to complete the connection.

This integration is a Pro feature, it only works with a Pro plan.